how to write research methodology?

How to Write a University Thesis step by step?

September 25, 2023

Dissertation or research papier is an exercise whose name sounds in the minds of many students. It is a major step in a student's higher education programme, in order to successfully complete a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree and thus obtain a...

AI at the service of education

AI as a tool to assist teaching and learning

August 1, 2023

How can I make the best use of AI as a teacher and student? Examples and case studies. Text-generating AI can be seen as the new "teaching assistant" for education. AI paves the way for enriching educational experiences by promoting adaptive learning....


Beware of self-plagiarism

July 13, 2023

Max is finishing his master's degree. He is asked to write a thesis to demonstrate his academic training. He chose to address a topic he had already studied before and wishes to continue this work. Only, he wonders if this is going to be considered self-plagiarism....

build bibliography

An effective bibliography: great, but how?

June 19, 2023

When writing a dissertation, thesis or any other research-based assignment, the bibliography is important and will impact the final grade. It references the list of sources used during your documentary research. The bibliography generally appears at the...