What does Compilatio software compare your documents with?

High-performance comparison with millions of digital contents

Your trusted ally for reliable and comprehensive results

plagiarism checker database

Constantly evolving comparison databases!

With Compilatio detectors, you benefit from comprehensive coverage that includes the Internet, millions of private and open access scientific publications, diverse content from academic institutions worldwide and much more!

Compilatio, proactive in guaranteeing comprehensive comparison databases, including ever more :

content databases compilatio
+150% of new content indexed annually

in Compilatio's internal database.
Comparison between end-2023 and end-2024.

plagiarism detector databases

Compilatio explores millions of different contents to detect similarities

1 - Compare your documents with billions of web pages

Compilatio compares your documents with hundreds of billions of web pages, accessible on the Internet and indexed in Compilatio's internal database.

Why do we do this? 
To dissuade the temptation to copy content from the Internet, accessible at the click of a button.

antiplagiarism software database content

2 - Compare your documents with private and open access scientific content

Compilatio compares your documents with over 600 million different types of content, including: 

  • private scientific publications and articles,
  • open access scientific publications and articles,
  • content from internationally renowned professional publishers
  • university and research center repositories,
  • publications from the world's most influential institutions,
  • website archives,
  • student articles,
  • researcher articles.

Why do we do this? 
To promote the work of the scientific community by encouraging good research practices.

plagiarism checker comparison

3 - Compare your documents with those of other Compilatio users

Compilatio can compare your documents confidentially with those of users from your institution and other institutions in the Compilatio network. The confidentiality of the content is always preserved

This comparison is valid only for Compilatio Magister and Magister+. Compilatio Studium, Copyright and Copryight+ are not included.


Why should we do this?
To identify the complete or partial reuse of a previous peer's work, thereby strengthening the prevention of inter- and intra-institutional plagiarism.

To find out more about the comparison databases for each Compilatio service, see our article on the subject.

Compilatio covers countless disciplines and fields of study

Arts and humanities

Arts, cultural studies, folklore, multidisciplinary humanities, music, philosophy, religions, theater, poetry...

Science and Technology

Computer science, chemistry, engineering, physics, mathematics, statistics, life sciences, systems science, mechanics, telecommunications, etc.

Biological sciences

Quantitative biology, microbiology, botany, zoology, etc.


Education and educational sciences: scientific disciplines, special education, etc.

Environmental studies

Demography, geography, geosciences, urban studies, paleontology, construction, architecture, energy, etc.

History and Archaeology

Archaeology, history, history and philosophy of science, history of social sciences, religion, history of religions, etc.

Information and communication sciences

Info, communication, information science, library science, etc.

Political Sciences

Public administration and development, international relations, political sciences, etc.


Applied psychology, educational psychology, experimental psychology, multidisciplinary psychology, social psychology, etc.

Health Sciences

Public health, biomedicine, clinical medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, forensics, neurology, nursing, pharmacology, dentistry, ophthalmology, etc.

Social work and social policy

Studies of interethnic relations, family studies, social issues, social work, etc.

Sociology and Anthropology

Anthropology, regional studies, sociology, feminist studies, etc.

Language and Linguistics

Applied linguistics, language theory and linguistics, linguistics, etc.

Economics & Management

Commerce and business, economics, finance, quantitative finance, etc.


Criminology, international law, administrative law, procedural and criminal law, civil and commercial law, financial law, social law, etc.


Literary studies, literary theory and criticism, British literature, Romance literature, American literature, philology, etc.

Management and Administration

Management, administration, ergonomics, labor and industrial relations, planning and development, transportation, etc.

Agriculture & Food

Agriculture, food, agronomy, gardening, animal production, veterinary, food technology, viticulture, etc.

plagiarism detection database content

More and more languages included in Compilatio comparisons

We support research and integrity on an international scale.

Our databases include millions of documents in:

  • the main European languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Catalan, etc.
  • other world languages: Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, etc.
French plagiarism database
+56% of new content in French

indexed in Compilatio
Comparison between end
2023 and end 2024.

Italian plagiarism database
+80% of new content in Italian

indexed in Compilatio database.
Comparison between end 2023 and end 2024.

Spanish plagiarism database
+84% of new content in Spanish

indexed in Compilatio database.
Comparison between end 2023 and end 2024.

Database dei plagi in inglese
+220% of new content in English

indexed in Compilatio
Comparison between end
2023 and end 2024.

Discover Compilatio services

For teachers
Magister and Magister+

Check for plagiarism and detect AI content to raise awareness among your students.

For students

Avoid suspicion by checking plagiarism in your academic reports.

For writers
Copyright and Copyright+

Measure plagiarism and guarantee the authenticity of your editorial productions.

Compilatio is a leading actor in academic integrity worldwide, present in 38 countries.
We support institutions, students and writing professionals in the prevention and detection of cheating through our solutions: plagiarism detection software, AI detector, Altered text detector.