Are you a teacher committed to academic integrity?

Prevent plagiarism with Compilatio educational tools

Similarity and AI content detectors plus support for your anti-plagiarism policy.

Compilatio Plagiarism Checker for academic dishonesty

Choose the right anti-plagiarism program for your school

As a teacher, librarian, documentalist or other educational professional, you can use a plagiarism checker to prevent plagiarism.
Develop a culture of integrity and authenticity among your students. Combat Copyright infringementIntellectual property theft and Academic dishonesty with the right tools

Compilatio Magister and Compilatio Magister+ allow you to : 

  • check your students' compliance with writing and citation guidelines,
  • access tools for raising awareness and training in respect for intellectual property,
  • easily assess the quality, originality and research effort of your students' work.


And for your policy, Compilatio Magister or Compilatio Magister+?

Compilatio Magister
Compilatio's reference similarity detector

Used in over 40 countries, Magister helps teachers to prevent and detect plagiarism in student work.

  • Textual similarity detector
  • Teaching resources to help prevent plagiarism
  • Ongoing support: follow-up meetings three times a year
  • Technical support via ticket 24/7
  • Percentage, location and origin of similarities
  • Face-to-face view of similarities
Compilatio Magister+
Compilatio's dual similarity and AI detectors

Compilatio is extending its range to help teachers detect new forms of cheating linked to text-generating AI.

  • All the features and benefits of the Magister program, plus:
  • Detection of texts generated by an AI such as ChatGPT
  • Detection of translated similarities with user-added sources
  • Detection of deep reformulation
  • Priority handling of your analyses

Discover the Compilatio Magister+ analysis report

plagiarism detector for teachers - combat academic dishonesty
Promoting integrity

ensuring that work is the result of personal work.

anti plagiarism software - combat intellectual property theft
Avoid the temptation to cheat

by dissuading them through control procedures.

plagiarism detection - combat copyright infringement
Refine teaching quality

by enabling teachers to understand students' difficulties.

anti-plagiarism software to ensure ethics of writing
Treat with fairness

by making corrections using objective indicators.

ai paper checker to verify content authenticity

Don't miss out on plagiarized work

Ensure the credibility and originality of the diplomas awarded

When you check digital work for plagiarism and AI-generated texts, you're helping to ensure the quality of your teaching and the reputation of your institution. Compilatio Magister and Compilatio Magister+ provide you with objective elements for measuring plagiarism.


Seize the opportunity to instill authenticity and ethics of writing

Teaching the issue of plagiarism in your courses allows you to involve your students in a process of authenticity. This helps to promote ethics of writing and reinforce personal reflections and critical thinking skills. To help you, Compilatio provides teaching resources for teachers, ready to be shared.

Strengthen your plagiarism prevention with Compilatio complementary services

Copyright awareness modules for teachers and students.

Compilatio integration with LMS platforms (Moodle, Canvas, BlackBoard, Brightspace, Microsoft Teams, etc.) to strenghten the prevention and detection of plagiarism.

Your dedicated plagiarism website, to centralize your resources and information.

Field surveys of teachers and students to evaluate and consolidate your anti-plagiarism policy.

Compilatio plagiarism checker: the best ai plagiarism detector

Why Compilatio Magister or Magister+ over other anti-plagiarism software?


  • Comprehensive anti-plagiarism programs that can be customized to your needs: AI Checker, Plagiarism Checker, etc.
  • A rich, varied and constantly evolving comparison database.
  • Integration with teaching platforms: Moodle, Canvas, BlackBoard, BlackBoard Learn, BlackBoard Learn Ultra, Brightspace, Microsoft Teams, etc.
  • Single sign-on (SSO) with your usual login and password.
  • Course content ready for sharing.
  • Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Confidentiality of documents analyzed, never distributed or sold.
  • Ease of management: administrator profile, teacher autonomy in their personal space, etc.
  • Open and customizable Compilatio API.
They are satisfied to have chosen Compilatio for their anti-plagiarism approach
University Paris Cité
Aix Marseille Université
Université de Genève
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Politecnico di Torino
ESTA Belfort
Collège Montmorency
Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
University of Fribourg
Universidad Iberoamericana León
Are you interested?
This form is reserved for teachers and institutional projects. It does not allow you to obtain a demo account or perform analyses. For a quick answer, please use your institutional e-mail address. Student requests will not be processed.

Compilatio processes the data provided in this form for the purpose(s) of "Tracking your interests and exploring products and services associated with Magister, for institutional use" and, if applicable, "Information on the topic of plagiarism". Learn more about your data management and your rights.

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