Compilatio Studium:
Plagiarism Checker
for students

Be confident by delivering quality writing

Avoid plagiarism sanctions with similarity detection

As a student or PhD student, avoid being punished for copying and pasting or other forms of plagiarism
Compilatio Studium allows you to :

  • check that your work is sufficiently authentic,
  • know if your work is copyright compliant,
  • quickly identify areas for improvement in your citations,
  • prove the quality of your paper to your teacher.

Give yourself the means to succeed in your studies with integrity. 


🎉 Good news! AI usage detection is now available in your Studium software.

Why choose Compilatio Studium
over other Plagiarism Checkers?

how to check my work for plagiarism
Confidentiality of your documents
studium - college plagiarism checker
Tool validated by your teachers
Compilatio studium - plagiarism fixer
Several assignments analysed with a fixed price
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Ease of use and reliability

Improve your assignment with Compilatio Studium


Your writing and citation tools


Compilatio Studium gives you checkpoints to validate the quality of your work and to ensure compliance with good academic practices.

  • Make sure you have properly cited all your sources with the list of sources and their locations.
  • Use the resources from the Studium Toolbox to eliminate accidental plagiarism.
  • As you analyze, ignore the sources that you have correctly cited. The similarity score recalculates automatically.
  • Add the analysis certificate to your work to prove your academic integrity.
Plagiarsim detector Compilatio Studium


  • Percentage of similarities
  • List of detected sources
  • Location of detected sources
  • Edition of a plagiarism report and an analysis certificate
anti-plagiarism tools studium


  • Online assistance in your language
  • Writing and citation methods
Compilatio's Studium plagiarsim checker software

Use the efficiency of a plagiarism checker software for greater peace of mind


The plagiarism checker dedicated to helping you with your writings


  • Thanks to the similarity rate indicated, you will quickly understand if you have written the majority of your assignment yourself. 
  • The list of sources found allows you to check that your biobliography is complete, or to complete it. 
  • With the indication of the locations of the sources found, you can understand in a few clicks which borrowings to cite. 
  • You have the possibility to generate a detailes plagiarism report & a certificate of analysis which you can attach/integrate with your submission. 
free university plagiarism detection software

Get to know Compilatio Studium before adopting it


with a test document already analyzed for a concrete idea of the results


After creating your Compilatio Studium account, you can assess the software's effectiveness for free, thanks to a demonstration document. This document concretely presents the features and capabilities of Compilatio Studium Plagiarism Detector.

You will see:

  • the similarity rate of the document,
  • the texts in quotes,
  • the sources used,
  • and their locations, just like in a real analysis.

With this example, you get an overview of the user interface's friendliness and how the Plagiarism Detector meets your specific needs.

academic plagiarism test

Assess your originality with Compilatio Studium


with the similarity score to check plagiarism

The similarity rate indicates the parts of your work that show similarities with sources found on the Internet.

🟢  Score between 0% and 10%: It's normal not to be at 0.

Keep citing your sources correctly. Your work is primarily original.

🟠  Score between 10% and 25%: Depending on the nature of the assignment, this may be acceptable, but be vigilant.

Ensure that each borrowing is properly cited and that the amount of original content is sufficient.

🔴  Score over 25%: Attention, this could be high.

Ensure that it meets academic expectations. Check that your assignment contains enough personal input. Reformulate if necessary and cite all your sources properly.

academic fraud and forgery detected

Easily check the referencing of each of your sources


with a list of all the sources used to complete your bibliography

When using Compilatio Studium, verifying your sources and creating a complete bibliography become simple and quick tasks.

On the "Source of similarities" page of the software, you get a list of the primary and secondary sources used in your academic work. Thanks to the provided URL links, you can check each one and ensure they are all correctly referenced in your bibliography.
Compilatio Studium accounts for quotations and already referenced citations.
Thus, when you review the sources on the "Source of similarities" page and find that some have already been correctly referenced in your work, you can confidently ignore them. The similarity score of your document automatically recalculates to reflect this update in your references.

Compilatio Studium takes into account quotations in quotation marks and those already referenced.

Plagiarism detection, certification in my client area

Enhance your work in the eyes of your professor


with non-plagiarism certification to include in your assignment

You have the option to generate a plagiarism report and an analysis certificate. After checking your work with the information provided by the Compilatio Studium software, you can incorporate the analysis results into your assignment.

The analysis certificate shows:

  • the similarity rates of exact and rephrased quotations,
  • the primary, secondary, mentioned, and ignored sources
  • and the percentage of text in quotations.

This way, you certify the proper referencing of your sources and your transparency.

Best plagiarism detector for students

Be assured, confidentiality and security are Compilatio's commitments


Documents uploaded to Studium are confidential

Only you have access to your assignments. This way, you avoid finding your assignment online.

  • Your teachers do not have access to your assignments uploaded to Compilatio Studium.
  • Your assignments are not sold or accessible to advertising services or commercial partners.


Compilatio does not give out your contact information to anyone

We guarantee security for your personal data.

  • We pay particular attention to compliance with GDPR.
  • Your data is neither stored, nor transferred, nor processed in the United States.

Beware: some plagiarism detectors do not hesitate to resell your assignments or personal data to commercial partners.

Customer account assistance

Benefit from human and responsive customer support


with online assistance and resources in your language, Compilatio's specialty

With Compilatio Studium, enjoy online customer support in your language. Unlike most plagiarism detection software for students, you are guaranteed to receive human and personalized assistance, far from automated responses. Additionally, access valuable resources directly in your language through the Toolbox, without the need for translation. Compilatio is committed to supporting students in their academic journey.

Online plagiarism software: check my work

Master the skills essential to any student


with free access to the toolbox with your Compilatio Studium account

  • Self-training in citation and writing methods
    with resources in different formats: app, infographic, reading sheet, articles...
  • Understand copyright and how to respect it
    with an expert in plagiarism detection: documentary resources on plagiarism, citation names, writing...
  • Assess your knowledge of plagiarism
    with quiz and definitions.
Download the full brochure on citation rules
Artificial intelligence detection for students

New Feature: AI Detection


Included in your packages now

You will obtain the percentage of text that is likely to have been generated by an AI. Remember to include the use of AI in your bibliography.

By using Compilatio Studium, you ensure that your work meets academic standards.

For teachers, our Compilatio Magister+ software offers advanced detection of AI-generated texts.

Compilatio's Studium packages
tailored to your needs

Packages can be used for multiple documents for 6 months.
20 credits
5.000 words
approximately 20 pages

Ideal for checking:

  • Research paper
  • Presentation
  • Homework assignement

Best seller

100 credits
25.000 words
approximately 100 pages

Ideal for analysing each section of:

  • Dissertation
  • Internship report
  • Thesis
200 credits
50.000 words
approximately 200 pages

Ideal for checking, correcting and creating:

  • Bibliography for a dissertation
  • Research paper
  • Final thesis
500 credits
125.000 words
approximately 500 pages

Ideal for:

  • Regularly checking the originality of your work
  • Improve your writing
Compilatio Studium Satisfaction : student feedback

Acceptable similarity rate

« Compilatio's Studium allows me to be confident when submitting an assignment. I verify that the rate of similarities in my work (theses, research papers, etc.) is acceptable, based on recommendations from my teachers, who themselves also check for instances of plagiarism in assignments with the Magister detection tool. »

Respect of copyright

« I run my important writing assignments for university (internship reports, senior thesis, etc.) through Compilatio Studium and mention this in my assignment. This allows me to underscore my desire not to cheat and to respect guidelines and copyright. »

Efficient and easy to use

« Compilatio Studium is very easy and enjoyable to use. I have used it for several assignments. Every time, I have been satisfied and I have been able to correct my writing with the help of Studium. Thank you. »

A valuable aid for studies

« Studium has been a great help to me throughout my studies. I have been able to submit my work while remaining vigilant about my integrity. I highly recommend this tool to all students concerned about academic ethics. »

Ease of use and reliability

« I have been using Compilatio Studium for several semesters now, and I am always impressed by its reliability. The user interface is intuitive, and the detection results are accurate. It's a real asset for maintaining the quality of my academic work. »

Practical and useful

« Studium has become essential for my studies. Its ease of use and effectiveness make it an indispensable tool for checking my writings. I feel more confident in the quality of my work thanks to this software. »

A guarantee of quality

« Compilatio Studium has allowed me to realize the importance of originality in my writings. Thanks to its precise analyses, I am assured of producing quality writings and citing all my sources. An indispensable tool for succeeding in my studies. »

Insight into plagiarism

« With the toolbox, I was finally able to understand what plagiarism is. Besides, I didn't know that so many things needed to be cited. Thanks to Compilatio Studium, I was able to avoid plagiarism and mention all my sources in my bibliography. »

Guaranteed confidentiality

« Comparing to other plagiarism detection software, I was reassured to find out that my documents are truly confidential in Studium. I don't want my personal data to be sold or used for marketing purposes. Even worse, I've seen that some software even make analyzed assignments public! »

Total satisfaction

« I am reassured to have used this software. The results are accurate and the interface is easy to use. I highly recommend it to all students. »

Interesting packages

« I compared prices with other plagiarism detection software and chose the most reliable and affordable one. I started with the basic package to test it out and was convinced. I upgraded to the next package shortly after. Thanks to Studium, I was able to analyze a portion of my thesis without any issues. »

Peace of mind

« My instructors use Compilatio, so I wanted to make sure I turned in my paper without plagiarism. Studium gave me the peace of mind I needed. »

Prevention of the future

« I don't want my degree to be revoked years later, so I used Studium to check my thesis, and I'm thrilled with it. For me, it's an investment in my academic future. »

anti-plagiarism check student

Don't be accused of unintentional plagiarism


Clearly identify what plagiarism is

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own. And plagiarism can also occur in the following cases: the use of text-generating artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT), graphic illustrations, translation, paraphrasing, self-citation, anonymous sources, primary and secondary sources. Did you know that?


Avoid plagiarism with our Plagiarism Detector

Compilatio Studium allows you to check plagiarism and quickly identify the sources used in the construction of your academic paper. You can then check plagiarism, by checking that you have cited all your borrowings with good referencing and citation practices.

studium - check plagiarism
Confident of turning in plagiarism-free work

Avoid suspicion and punishment for plagiarism, even if unintentional, by analysing your documents before submission. 

avoid plagiarism with studium
Proud to write quality homework

Self-check your documents to confirm the right balance between self-written and borrowed or plagiarised content. 

studium plagiarism detection software
Respectful of copyright and research

Ensure academic and scientific integrity by listing the references of your sources in your bibliography.

Avoid plagiarism with Compilatio Studium,
it's quick and easy!

I create my account
and upload my document.
I choose my package
based on the number of words to analyse.
I run the detection software
and analyse the similarity results.
I correct my work
using the sources found for guidance
I submit my writing without worry
and indicate that I have checked my assignment with Compilatio Studium
studium - plagiarism checker student

How to get free credits from your establishment, in partnership with Compilatio?


Access free plagiarism checks through Studium sponsorship

Wondering how to get free credits for using Compilatio Studium's Plagiarism Detector?

If your institution subscribes to Compilatio, you can take advantage of Studium sponsorship. This allows you to receive 40 free credits each year to analyze your assignments.

Request your student sponsorship code from your teachers

Once you have received it, you can enter it in your Compilatio Studium account by clicking on "Buy Credits," then "Sponsored by your institution.

The free credits are added to your account, allowing you to analyze your assignment.

plagiarism software for students

With Compilatio Magister, is it possible for my teachers to detect...

...documents uploaded to Compilatio Studium?
No. Documents uploaded to Compilatio Studium are confidential. No-one but you has access to your content. 

...the use of an unreferenced source?
✅ Yes. 
With Compilatio Magister and Magister+, teachers can detect similarities between your content and other sources. 

...translation and rephrasing of a borrowed passage?
✅ Yes. 
With Compilatio Magister+, your teachers can detect passages that you have translated or reworded.

...the use of text generative AI?
✅ Yes. 
With Compilatio Magister+, teachers detect AI-generated content (such as ChatGPT, Gemini, YouChat, etc).

...the alteration of a text in an attempt to conceal borrowing?
✅ Yes. 
Compilatio Magister and Magister+ softwares make visible attempts to alter text in order to fool the Compilatio algorithm. Example: blank characters between each word.

Check the answers to frequently asked questions!

Who is Compilatio Studium intended for: teachers or students?

Studium is an online platform designed for students. It's a verification software that identifies borrowings from the internet. Use it to submit your assignments with peace of mind, free from plagiarism.

To which databases is my document compared?

The Compilatio Studium software can detect and measure similarities between your documents and billions of digital documents, among hundreds of billions of internet sites accessible online and over 400 million contents, including:
- private publications,
- open-access publications,
- renowned international professional publishers,
- internet site archives...

Is the Compilatio Studium software really effective?

Yes, it's one of the most efficient software for verifying the absence of plagiarism in student assignments. The majority of your instructors use the teacher version, which attests to its proven effectiveness. Form your own opinion and test Studium now.

If I have questions, do I receive support?

Absolutely, the customer service answers all your questions and in French! Moreover, by creating a free account on the Studium site, you gain access to the Toolbox, where you will find valuable resources to support you in your studies.

How can you benefit from the Compilatio Studium software for free?

If your institution uses Compilatio software, it can offer you Studium sponsorship. This way, you earn 40 free credits (about 40 pages) each year to analyze your assignments. Request it from your teachers.

Can my research work be resold or used by a commercial partner?

No, at Compilatio, we categorically refuse to sell analyzed works. The assignments uploaded to Studium remain confidential and are accessible only by the software user, thus ensuring data protection. It's important to be vigilant, as this practice is unfortunately common among some plagiarism detection software. They resell the analyzed works, which sometimes end up on the net, thereby exposing students to the risk of plagiarism accusations.

Why isn't Compilatio Studium free?

Most free software monetizes by reselling the assignments analyzed in their tools. Compilatio Studium stands out from free software by ensuring the complete confidentiality of your work. Furthermore, they are not reliable and mislead students who believe they have properly cited their sources when the software fails to detect them. Studium offers accurate plagiarism detection, thus ensuring academic integrity.

Studium Newsletter

Studium Newsletter

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By clicking "Subscribe", I agree that Compilatio processes the data provided in this form for the following purpose: "Information on the topic of plagiarism". Learn more about how we manage your data and your rights.

Download the full Citation Guide
for properly referenced sources (in the body of the text, footnotes and bibliography).

Average of 6 per year (not more!) to receve fun articles for students : pieces of advice for your daily life, information regarding plagiarism, best practices for writing...
Compilatio processes the data provided in this form for the purpose of "Tracking your interests about plagiarism prevention". Learn more about your data management and your rights.

*Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Check your work with Compilatio Studium Plagiarism Detector

Avoid the consequences of plagiarism

Present yourself in the most authentic way possible, through your academic writing.

As a pupil, student or doctoral student, Compilatio Studium accompanies you so that you can be serene when handing in your paper, proud of its quality and respectful of copyright. With the Compilatio Studium plagiarism detection software, you can now identify improperly cited sources and correct them. And you train yourself in proper research, citation and referencing methods with the Studium toolkit. In this way, you will understand what plagiarism is (even unintentional) and how to avoid the infringement and penalties associated with plagiarism.

Enhance your integrity with Compilatio Studium.