Training to Strengthen Academic Integrity

Equip Teachers and Students

to Tackle the Challenges of Plagiarism and AI

Compilatio training allows participants to:

  • Detect and prevent plagiarism,
  • Adopt proper citation practices,
  • Use generative AI ethically,
  • Understand copyright law,
  • Master Compilatio tools.

Designed for academic advisors, teachers, and students, these trainings promote ethical practices and foster a culture of excellence within your institution.

Student Training

Inform and train your students to motivate them and make them proactive in the process
Ethical Use of ChatGPT, AI Training

Ethical Use of ChatGPT in Studies

Understand how ChatGPT works

Identify its benefits for academic purposes

Learn to use it responsibly

What is ChatGPT?

Definition, response generation steps, limitations

How to use it for studies?

Writing an effective prompt, practical case studies, support in writing, research, and review

How to stay ethical?

Methods of citing ChatGPT, rules for ethical use

1hr On-site or online module

No to Plagiarism and AI Pitfalls, Training

No to Plagiarism and AI Pitfalls

Engage your students interactively

Enhance their knowledge of citation methods

What kind of expert are you?

Interactive quiz and sharing experiences

What is plagiarism?

Definition, trends, penalties

How to avoid plagiarism?

Best practices, citation methodology (standards, AI usage, bibliography...)

1hr On-site or online module


Discovering Plagiarism and AI Pitfalls, Training

Discovering Plagiarism and AI Pitfalls

Bring in an external expert to encourage dialogue

Raise awareness among your students about plagiarism and proper use of generative AI

Adopt an interactive approach

What do you know about plagiarism and its consequences?

Discussions and flyer distribution

What are best practices for writing and citation?

Quiz and visual presentation

Compilatio team runs a booth during a pedagogical day or prevention campaign

3hrsBooth on site

Teacher Training

Unite your teams to implement a coherent approach
Raise Awareness and Assess with Compilatio Magister and Magister+

Raise Awareness and Assess with Compilatio Magister and Magister+

Unite teams around the anti-plagiarism initiative

Develop a pedagogical use of Compilatio Magister / Magister+

Plagiarism prevention with Compilatio

Educational resources, roles of the Compilatio Advisor and teachers

A detailed demonstration of the interface

Features of Compilatio Magister or Magister+ software

Frequently asked user questions

Live discussions

Adaptable to your LMS



*Content enriched with concrete feedback.


Discussion on Generative AI in Teaching, AI Training

Discussion on Generative AI in Teaching

Start a lively dialogue and share experiences on AI practices

Strengthen the understanding of generative AIs

Explore ways to integrate AI into classrooms

The basics of generative AI

Definitions and key concepts

Its impact on education

Insights for teachers and students

AI and authenticity

Reflections in service of your students

Ways to enhance your daily work

Ideas and group exchanges



*Content enriched with concrete feedback.

Plagiarism: Temptations, Learning, and Consequences

Plagiarism: Temptations, Learning, and Consequences

Lead a common reflection and engage teachers

Unite teachers around an educational approach

Plagiarism in practice

Updates, key figures

Your feedback

Profiles of plagiarists, severity assessment, learning and sanction systems

Students' cheating methods

Operating procedures

A pedagogical approach to prevention

Challenges and resources

1hrOn-site or online

Module Discussion on Academic Integrity

Discussion on Academic Integrity

Exchange on the perception of academic integrity

Build a solid and committed approach

Cheating methods

Trends, understanding, and profile of plagiarists

Applied sanctions

Risks and current updates

Discussion and co-construction of the approach

Case study, plagiarism prevention

1h Module on-site or remote

Joint Training for Students & Teachers

Create a common framework to include all stakeholders in the process
Together for Academic Integrity

Together for Academic Integrity

Encourage dialogue between students and teachers about plagiarism and AI

Raise awareness and create accountability simultaneously

Is plagiarism everyone’s concern?

Definitions, practices, profiles...

Everyone’s role and responsibilities

Reminders of roles: students, teachers, administration, librarians, IT services, e-learning...

Actions to be implemented

Regulatory framework, communication, evaluation...

It’s your turn!

Interactive resources

1 hr Module on-site or online

Copyright Module

Copyright in an Anti-Plagiarism Approach

Provide clarity on key concepts

Standardize knowledge among all participants

Legal concepts

Simplified explanation of copyright and intellectual property terms

The legal framework for copyright

Plagiarism, sanctions, and regulatory framework

Using a work protected by copyright

Use cases

1 hr Module on-site or online

Training for Anti-Plagiarism Project Leaders

Let’s reflect together to co-create your approach and actions


Discover Your Keys to Success in the Age of AI

Discover Your Keys to Success in the Age of AI

Engage project leaders in a co-created approach

Make the project concrete and move it forward through collective expertise

Co-create your anti-plagiarism project through collaborative workshops

Understand the key pillars of an effective and sustainable approach

Embed the approach into a long-term project

Identify institutional objectives and define the roadmap

Plan the associated actions and resources

Anticipate how to measure the effectiveness of the approach (indicators)

Learn how to step back from the project and implement optimization actions

2x3hrs Workshops on-site or online

anti-plagiarism training

6 good reasons to take advantage of Compilatio training


  • Optimize learning through the intervention of an external organization.
  • Save time with up-to-date training sessions.
  • Energize training sessions with interactive elements.
  • Make the most of Compilatio tools for greater efficiency.
  • Strengthen your institution’s reputation.
  • Reduce the risk of disputes and sanctions.

Combine the modules according to your specific needs.


Modules to offer according to your project and academic calendar (return to school, preparation for exams, Copyright Day, etc.)


How does a Compilatio training session work?

Choice of training module
Advice Compilatio to the relevant modules according to your objectives.
Preparing for the meeting
Reservation of the date and communication to the participants.
Knowledge acquisition
Face-to-face or distance learning, questions, exchanges...
Monitoring of progress and recommendations
Debriefing of training courses, achievements and satisfaction, recommendations.
Compilatio training participants tell their satisfaction

Enjoyable playful approach

« We use Compilatio's Magister software to prevent plagiarism among nursing students and to validate work submitted by students. [...] we found it helpful to provide students information and training through Compilatio to reinforce the information they had already received. [The student workshop "Stay clear of plagiarism" supplements the information given to students by IFSI and has enabled them, particularly in the first year, to see the implications of plagiarism and understand the importance of "honesty" in writing. »

Relevant content to build an anti-plagiarism strategy

« [Participants in the "Evaluate and Raise Awareness with Compilatio" modules were very pleased with your presentation. Various faculty members are still thinking about the strategy to implement. The topics discussed in the training session have equipped them with all the necessary information for their strategising (in terms of using the tool, strategic factors and the protection of personal data). This training perfectly met our expectations. The content was very relevant as well as the examples shown. »

Presentation was clear and full of details

« The teachers in the Human Sciences department join me in thanking you again for the training session on how to use your tools (...) Your presentation was clear and full of details. It will certainly guide us in drafting the protocol for using Compilatio Magister software, as we draw inspiration from, among other things, the three axes you presented. It also prompted us to reflect on connections with how to use Compilatio Studium software. »

Educational aspect

« I greatly appreciated your emphasis on the educational aspect, in terms of sharing information, raising awareness and training, during the training session. It can be easy to punish students, but they will still need to develop the necessary knowledge and skills! »


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Compilatio Training

Raise awareness about plagiarism

Compilatio supports secondary and higher education institutions in their plagiarism prevention programs to optimize the quality of teaching. Our training programs help teaching staff and students expand their skills on essential topics: AI training, student training, teacher training, ChatGPT training, copyright law, pillars of an effective anti-plagiarism approach, best practices for citation and writing...