Videoconferences and webinars for guidance
on the topic of plagiarism

Online information and discussions,

to delve deeper into the subject of plagiarism

Compilatio's free webinars help educators who have an interest in academic integrity. You can hone your knowledge of plagiarism and leverage the pedagogical approach that is explained. A period of discussion allows you to ask the Compilatio representative questions directly. The number of registrants for each webinar is limited to 100. Register now.

anti-plagiarism video
Applicable resources at the end of the webinar

After the webinar, easily and quickly apply the tips you've learned.

plagiarism self-training
Self-training to understand the process

Initiate and structure your plagiarism-prevention project according to your needs.

plagiarism experts
Dialogue with Compilatio plagiarism experts

Update your knowledge of copying/pasting and copyright.

avoid plagiarism
Free, no-commitment webinars

Leverage Compilatio's expertise to understand intellectual property.

anti-plagiarism softwares

Various webinars, to explore and dive deeply into plagiarism prevention

Compilatio's webinars are geared toward teachers, educators and Compilatio project leads  expand your anti-plagiarism project. A panel of webinars corresponding to your needs and situation as closely as possible: initiation or optimisation of the anti-plagiarism policy, first steps towards academic integrity in secondary school, raise awareness of copyright, detect similarities in digital writing, etc.

Choose the topics, formats and dates that are right for you.

Compilatio's webinars do not replace the comprehensive demonstration of Compilatio resources with an advisor, nor training sessions for teachers and/or students.

Webinars for guidance

20 mn to discover Compilatio



20 minutes to explore:
  • Educational resources that are easy to apply
  • A positive approach to work without copying/pasting

Why an antiplagiarism software is essential but not enough?


A great opportunity to:
  • Discover applications to reduce plagiarism among students
  • Understand the fundamental axes of a sustainable anti-plagiarism approach according Compilatio
  • Discover concrete resources that ENAI makes available for teachers, students and researchers.

Education & ChatGPT: feed your thoughts with academic experts


Good reasons to watch this conference:
  • Pedagogical and international vision
  • Richness and diversity of experts and topics
  • Interaction and exchange of good practices
  • Concrete solutions and tools for your daily teaching life
They show their appreciation

Useful presentations

« "The presentations were very useful and, in my opinion, enough time was allocated." »

Helpful webinar

« Congratulations on a very helpful and well done webinar! Keep up the good work! Considering that the schools/institutions do little in teaching students of all ages about how to avoid plagiarism, and about good writing techniques, your work is very important! »

Learning conf.

« The presentations were very useful and, in my opinion, enough time was allocated. Thanks for organizing this networking and learning conf. »

Compilatio Webinars

Deepen your knowledge of plagiarism

Copyright and intellectual property can be complex to understand. Compilatio shares its expertise on plagiarism to raise awareness about preventing and detecting duplicated content. Compilatio webinars are a good way to deepen your knowledge of plagiarism, learn about new resources that are easy to apply and satisfy your academic curiosity.