How can I make the best use of AI as a teacher and student? Examples and case studies.

Text-generating AI can be seen as the new "teaching assistant" for education. AI paves the way for enriching educational experiences by promoting adaptive learning. What's more, AI can free up teachers' time by taking over administrative tasks. As a result, teachers can focus more on providing pedagogical support to students.


  1. AI to personalise learning
  2. AI to assist teachers with academic management
  3. AI to support teachers and students in their daily lives


1. AI to personalise learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in personalising learning by enabling content, activities and teaching methods to be adapted to the specific needs of each learner. Here are a few ways in which AI facilitates this personalisation.

Artificial intelligence in education - virtual mentoring

Digital mentoring and virtual tutorials

AI enables the creation of digital mentors and interactive virtual tutorials. Learners can benefit from personalised advice, specific feedback and additional resources to reinforce their learning.


Example of digital mentoring:

  • Zelexio is a learning platform for teachers, learners and parents.
Digital learning support

Adaptive learning with educational platforms

Thanks to AI, learning platforms can offer adaptive learning paths. AI systems assess learners' responses and progress in real time, then adjust content and activities according to their performance and specific needs. This allows each learner to progress at their own pace.


Examples of AI platforms that track learner progress and adjust content accordingly: 

  • Khan Academy offers adaptive learning paths in the fields of maths, science, economics, etc. 
  • Smart Sparrow is a platform used mainly in higher education.
Bringing AI into classrooms

One-to-one support with chatbots and virtual agents

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide one-to-one support by answering learners' questions, offering additional explanations and guiding them through the learning process. These tools enable learners to receive instant, personalised assistance based on their specific needs.


Examples of AI teaching platforms: 

AI tools for learning

Immersion for better understanding with virtual and augmented reality

AI is used to power virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, which immerse learners in realistic virtual environments. Using AI, these environments can be made more dynamic, interactive and responsive to learners' actions, creating a more realistic immersion experience.


Example of a VR application in education: 

  • Unimersiv offers downloads of educational content in virtual reality.

Simulation and concept modelling

AI can be used to create simulations and models based on real-life scenarios. Learners can interact with these simulations, enabling them to understand and manipulate complex concepts in a practical way. AI can also provide real-time feedback on learners' performance, guiding them through their immersive experience.


Examples of simulation solutions used in top schools:

  • MedicActiv offers technological tools to improve medical care and patient monitoring, particularly in the fields of telemedicine and teleconsultation. These simulations help students to develop practical skills in a risk-free environment for patients.
  • Cesim offers a variety of business simulations for business schools and companies. Their simulations cover areas such as business strategy, operations management, marketing, finance, etc.

2. AI to assist teachers with academic management

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in automating administrative tasks in the field of education. Here's how AI is facilitating this automation.

Impact of AI

Organisation of timetables

AI can be used to optimise the planning of lessons, timetables and resources. AI algorithms can take into account the constraints, preferences and availability of teachers and students to generate balanced and efficient timetables, avoiding conflicts and disruption.  


Examples of timetabling software: 

  • Untis is used in a number of educational institutions to plan diaries
  • AscTimetables is another popular planning software used in schools and universities.
New teaching methods with AI

Help with automatic correction of assignments

AI can automate the process of marking assignments, tests and assessments. AI systems use sophisticated algorithms to analyse student responses and provide accurate feedback and grades, saving teachers considerable time.


Examples of automatic markers

  • Compilatio Magister detects duplicate content and assigns a similarity score. Teachers can quickly identify passages that are not referenced in the student's assignment.
  • e-Rater analyses the linguistic characteristics, structure of the essay, coherence and organisation of the content, and awards a mark based on these criteria.
  • IntelliMetric automatically assesses essays.  Automated Essay Scoring, also known as AES, uses AI techniques to analyse and score student essays.
New learning methods with AI

3. AI to help teachers and students in their day-to-day work

Help with grammatical and spelling correction

AI software is capable of detecting and correcting syntax and grammar errors. This is just as useful for students as it is for teachers. Everyone can check the spelling and conjugation of their writing.

Example of an online spellchecker: 

  • helps to improve the accuracy of English writing.
Innovative educational technologies

Time-saving note-taking with voice recognition

AI enables learners to interact with educational systems using their voice. It is used in education to transcribe written lectures, presentations and classroom discussions. Speech recognition is used for note-taking, quick searches for specific passages and accessibility for hearing-impaired students.


Example of a speech recognition service : 

  • Google doc: in your document, click on "Tools" then "Voice input".
AI-assisted learning

Supporting collaborative working with intelligent tools

AI enables the development of advanced collaboration tools such as e-learning platforms, digital workspaces and virtual environments. These tools enable learners to work together on projects, share ideas, collaborate on documents and solve problems in an interactive and synchronised way.


Examples of collaborative tools:

  • Google Drive (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides...) lets you securely store, share and collaborate on files online.
  • Trello allows you to plan and track actions.
Compilatio AI Checker - AI Detector

Plagiarism detection for automatic correction of assignments

Similarity detection software uses AI to compare student assignments with a vast database containing online sources, academic publications and other documents. These tools identify sources that are not referenced and are therefore potentially plagiarised. Human expertise is essential to manage these tools and adjust the results. 


Examples of similarity detection software

  • Compilatio Magister offers teachers an effective solution for detecting and preventing plagiarism in student work. It allows them to save time, provide fair assessment, encourage academic integrity and promote a culture of intellectual honesty within their educational institution.
  • Compilatio Studium allows students to check the referencing of all the sources used in the creation of their writings. This allows them to adjust their bibliographies before the final submission of their work.
benefits of AI in education


Artificial Intelligence represents a revolution in education. Thanks to innovative educational technologies, teachers can benefit from invaluable support in developing their teaching methods. However, it is important to stress that AI does not replace teachers, but supports them in their educational mission. Also, several models can be used to leverage AI technologies: fine tune models can significantly enhance the accuracy of AI algorithms used in educational data analysis.

By using these intelligent tools responsibly and ethically, we can harness the full potential of AI to improve learning and prepare students for a digital future.


Information: this informative article, which does not require any personal reflection, was written in part with the help of ChatGPT. We reworked the automatically-generated content (correcting repetitions, correcting turns of phrase, adding clarifications, adding quotations, checking the veracity of the information, etc.).