As a university student, you are often required to write various types of documents to demonstrate your knowledge and research skills. These works are crucial for the success of your academic journey. Among the most important academic writings are the internship report, the research dissertation, and the PhD thesis.

In this article, we will delve into these different types of academic works, highlighting their differences and significance in the academic world.



Difference between dissertation and doctoral thesis

Understand to succeed in your academic writing: from dissertation to thesis

What is a dissertation

A research dissertation is the presentation of an in-depth study on a specific topic you have chosen. It details the research methods used, the data collected, the analysis of the information, and the literature review conducted, while also offering recommendations to address the problematic under study.

The main objective of the research dissertation is to answer a specific question by confirming or disproving previously established hypotheses or by offering new, innovative perspectives on the topic.

This type of work is often undertaken as part of a bachelor's or master's program.
The research dissertation is a way to demonstrate your research skills and your ability to conduct a thorough analysis in your field of study.

What is an internship report?

An internship report describes the experience you gained during your work placement. It includes a presentation of the company, the tasks carried out, the skills acquired and the response to the problematic you defined.  
Whether you're in ninth grade or a Master's program, writing this document is an essential part of your academic training. The internship report is submitted to your internship supervisor or tutor and your main teacher. It's an important part of the evaluation of your academic career. 
You demonstrate not only your commitment to learning, but also your ability to adapt to the demands of the professional world. 

How to write an internship report?
dissertation or thesis

What is a PhD thesis?

A PhD thesis is somewhat like the pinnacle of your academic journey. It is a long and in-depth document in which you explore a topic thoroughly, conduct original research, and present your own ideas and conclusions.

The main goal of a thesis is to contribute to the collective knowledge in your field of interest. It gives you the opportunity to discover something new, provide a different perspective on an existing topic, or even challenge established ideas.

A PhD thesis is most commonly completed as part of a doctoral program, although some master’s programs may also include a PhD thesis component. It is a project that requires a significant amount of time and effort but can also be incredibly rewarding. It’s your chance to become an expert in your field and make a meaningful contribution to your area of study.

A panel of experts evaluates your thesis based on strict criteria.

Similarities between an internship report, a dissertation and a PhD thesis


Research objective

First of all, all three types of work have a common objective: to conduct in-depth research on a specific topic. Whether documenting a professional experience in an internship report, exploring a research question in a dissertation or contributing to knowledge in your field of study by writing a PhD thesis, the fundamental objective is to answer a problematic through in-depth research.


Document structure

Internship reports, research dissertations and PhD theses all have a similar structure. They generally begin with an introduction that presents the subject and objective of the research. This is followed by a description of the context, a detailed methodology and the results of the research. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the main findings and implications of the study.

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Citing sources

In an internship report, research dissertation or PhD thesis, citing sources is an essential practice. It shows that you have conducted accurate research and that your work is based on solid evidence. Make sure you always cite your sources appropriately and follow the citation standards of your discipline.

To make it easier to manage references in your internship report, dissertation or PhD thesis, use Compilatio Studium anti-plagiarism software for students. With this online tool, you can calculate the percentage of similarities between your text and other sources, detect plagiarism, detect AI content and obtain a detailed list of references that can be included in your bibliography. What's more, you'll have access to resources to help you avoid plagiarism and maintain the academic integrity of your writing.

Differences between an internship report, a dissertation, and a PhD thesis: depth of analysis


From practice to theory: the concrete analysis in internship reports

In an internship report, the analysis tends to be more descriptive and practical. You describe what you observed, what you learned during your professional internship, and you may draw comparisons with theories or concepts studied in class. The internship report is often focused on practical experience and the application of theoretical knowledge.


From data collection to conclusion: The comprehensive analysis in academic dissertations

In an academic dissertation or research dissertation, the analysis is more in-depth. You critically examine the data, identify trends, relationships, or significant patterns, and develop interpretations or conclusions based on this data. You may also compare and contrast different sources or perspectives to support your arguments.

difference between dissertation and internship report

In-depth exploration: the in-depth analysis of PhD theses

Finally, in a PhD thesis, the analysis goes even deeper. You often conduct original research, collecting your own data or carrying out an exhaustive review of existing literature. Your analysis is therefore much more thorough, with an in-depth exploration of the concepts, theories and research methodologies relevant to your field of study. 


In short, internship reports, dissertations and PhD theses all involve analysis, but at different levels of complexity and depth, reflecting your academic progress and expertise in your academic field.

Differences between an internship report, a dissertation, and a PhD thesis: methodological requirements


Methodologies for internship reports: observe, interview, compare


Observational methodology

In an internship report, the research methodology often relies on direct observation of practices and procedures within the organization where you completed your internship. You can document your observations, collect qualitative data about processes and interactions, and interpret them based on your experience.

difference between dissertation and internship report

Informal interviews

You can also use informal interviews with colleagues or supervisors to gain additional insights into the practical aspects of your internship. These interviews can provide valuable context for your observations and analyses in the internship report.

Comparative analysis

A common method in internship reports is to compare the practices observed in the field with the theories or concepts studied in your university courses. This comparative approach highlights the practical applications of academic knowledge.

Dissertation methodologies: from text to trends


Bibliographic analysis

In a research dissertation, a thorough literature review is often the first step in the methodology. You examine previous work on the subject to identify gaps in existing knowledge and define your research problematic.

How to create an effective bibliography?
differenza tra dissertazione e tesi

Data collection

Depending on the nature of your research, you can use various data collection methods, such as experimental, documentary, or historical research, as well as qualitative studies, empirical studies, or conceptual studies.
You design your data collection methodology based on the specific research questions and objectives you have defined.


Statistical analysis

If your research involves quantitative data, you will likely use statistical analysis techniques to interpret your results. This may include document analysis, surveys, quantitative studies, comparative studies, or analytical studies.

PhD rhesis research methods: towards new horizons


Advanced research methods

PhD Theses often require advanced research methods, such as controlled experiments, in-depth qualitative analysis or longitudinal studies. A longitudinal study is a research method that involves following the same individuals, groups or populations over an extended period of time. The main aim of this type of study is to observe changes in participants over time, and to analyze the factors that may influence these changes.
In a longitudinal study, data are collected repeatedly at specific intervals, enabling researchers to examine trends and developments over an extended period. This approach offers significant advantages for understanding developmental processes, life trajectories, transitions and the long-term effects of interventions or events on the individuals or groups studied.
Longitudinal studies are used in various fields of research, such as psychology, sociology, economics, public health and education. It generally requires careful planning and substantial resources, due to the extended duration of data collection and the need to maintain participant involvement over an extended period.

difference between dissertation and doctoral thesis

In-depth analysis

You conduct in-depth data analysis, using advanced statistical methods, modeling techniques or sophisticated qualitative approaches to explore the nuances of your subject. The aim is to provide original and significant results that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.


Validation and reliability

You pay particular attention to the validity and reliability of your results, using triangulation procedures, validity and reliability tests, and peer-review methods to ensure the credibility of your research.
Triangulation involves crossing several sources or approaches to obtain a more complete and reliable understanding of the phenomenon under study.

  • Data triangulation         
    Collect data from different sources, such as interviews, questionnaires, observations or documents, and compare them to identify similarities and differences. For example, if you're conducting a qualitative study, you can use interviews, observations and document analyses to obtain a complete picture of the subject under study.
  • Triangulating methods
    Use different methods of data collection or analysis to examine the same phenomenon from different angles. For example, combining quantitative and qualitative methods in a study to gain an in-depth understanding of the subject.
  • Triangulation of researchers
    Involving several researchers in the study to examine the data or interpret the results independently, then comparing and discussing the conclusions to ensure the reliability and validity of the results.
  • Theoretical triangulation
    Examining the phenomenon studied through different theoretical perspectives or conceptual frameworks to enrich the analysis and provide more nuanced interpretations of the results.

Differences between an internship report, a dissertation, and a PhD thesis: writing duration and complexity


Internship reports are generally shorter and less complex, with a relatively short writing period, often ranging from a few weeks to a few months.

Research dissertations are longer and require in-depth research work, taking several months to a year to complete.

PhD Theses are the longest and most complex. They demand several years of intensive work to complete, often between three to five years or more.



In summary, writing an internship report, a research dissertation, or a thesis is a crucial step in your academic journey. There are significant differences between a dissertation, a PhD thesis, and an internship report, particularly in terms of depth of analysis, methodological requirements, and writing duration.

Regardless of the type of academic writing you undertake, all your sources must be properly referenced. Create your account on the anti-plagiarism software Compilatio Studium to check your citations and deliver quality work. If you've used ChatGPT as an assistant, take advantage of Compilatio Studium's built-in AI checker to check your writing.

Moreover, each of these tasks represents an opportunity to demonstrate your research skills, analytical abilities, and commitment to your field of study. By understanding the nuances and distinctions between a dissertation, a thesis, and an internship report, you will be better equipped to succeed in your university studies and contribute meaningfully to your area of expertise.



Resources to deepen your knowledge on topics related to internship reports, dissertations, and theses:

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