Two weeks until finals and Cassy is stressed out. Three exams and two papers are looming on the horizon. She remembers all too vividly how she spent hours crafting her term paper last semester, only to almost fail the class. Now she has not one but two papers to write, no idea how to go about it, and not enough time.
Searching online for term paper help, she comes across a ghostwriting ad. It promises term papers that are guaranteed to pass the course. This could be the answer to all her problems, but Cassy is worried. She has never cheated on a paper before and her professors were clear about their zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism and cheating.
It is difficult to estimate how many students use some form of academic ghostwriting for their assignments. Some agencies claim they have served thousands upon thousands of students. But what constitutes academic ghostwriting? Is ghostwriting in the same league as plagiarism? And what is the role of artificial intelligence in newer ghostwriting software?